2022 Pat's Run returns to Tempe

woman wearing Sparky T-shirt crosses race finish line

The 18th Annual Pat’s Run — a 4.2-mile run/walk celebrating the legacy of former NFL player, Sun Devil and Army Ranger Pat Tillman — returned to Sun Devil Stadium on April 23 after two years of virtual running due to the pandemic. 

Thousands of people came together Saturday morning to honor Tillman’s legacy and raise funds to support the Pat Tillman Foundation’s Tillman Scholar program.

Tillman, who played ASU football in college, was playing for the NFL when the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks occurred. He gave up his football career to join the U.S. Army, and was killed by friendly fire while serving in Afghanistan.

The route took runners from Sun Devil Stadium through the streets of Tempe, back to the finish line at Sun Devil Stadium. 

man kneeling on street with service dog before race

Nicoles Bueke and his service dog, Skip, hang out before the 18th Annual Pat’s Run in Tempe on April 23. Photo by Samantha Chow/ASU

people starting Pat's Run race

Participants cross the start line to begin the 18th Annual Pat’s Run in Tempe on April 23. Photo by Samantha Chow/ASU

Sparky mascot directing runners at the start line

Sparky the Sun Devil directs runners at the start of the race. Photo by Samantha Chow/ASU

Racers, including a man wearing a full American flag outfit, run in Tempe

A participant displays some American spirit for Pat's Run. Photo by Samantha Chow/ASU

People holding hands up in air during run

A team of runners hold hands as they complete the first mile in the 18th Annual Pat’s Run. Photo by Samantha Chow/ASU

Participants carrying the American and Arizona flags during race

Runners carry flags as they cross the Tempe Town Lake on Rural Road during Pat's Run. Photo by Samantha Chow/ASU

View of runners feet crossing Rural Road bridge

Runners cross the Tempe Town Lake on Rural Road during Pat's Run in Tempe. Photo by Samantha Chow/ASU

man wearing firefighter equipment run in race

Wearing firefighter bunker gear, a runner crosses the Tempe Town Lake on Rural Road.

Pat's Run participants running down both sides of Rural Road in Tempe

Runners make their way down Rural Road near Sixth Street in Tempe during Pat’s Run. Photo by Samantha Chow/ASU

man talking to camera crew after Pat's Run

Henry Sterling, the first male runner to cross the finish line, speaks with an AZ Family TV crew after completing Pat's Run. Photo by Deanna Dent/ASU

female racer holding award

Katrina Spratford, the first female runner to cross the finish line, holds up her award after completing Pat’s Run. Photo by Deanna Dent/ASU

woman handing out medals to Pat's Run participants

Volunteer Rachel Henderson (right) hands out medals to runners completing the race during the 18th Annual Pat’s Run at Sun Devil Stadium. Photo by Deanna Dent/ASU

People watching runners finish at Sun Devil Stadium

Family members and friends sit in the stands waiting for their loved ones to cross the finish line at Sun Devil Stadium. Photo by Samantha Chow/ASU

Crowd of runners on Sun Devil Stadium field

Runners flow into the stadium after crossing the finish line during Pat's Run on Saturday morning. Photo by Deanna Dent/ASU

Top photo: ASU Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication alumna Ashley Provenzano crosses the finish while decked out in ASU spirit during the 18th Annual Pat’s Run at Sun Devil Stadium on April 23. Photo by Deanna Dent/ASU

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