Walk-Only Zones help keep Tempe campus safe

Campus Mall Enforcement staff on ASU's Tempe campus

Following nearly eight months of campus education about the Walk-Only Zones on ASU's Tempe campus, the university community is now expected to comply to the newly introduced Campus Mall Enforcement program, which took effect March 31.

Watch the video.

Established Aug. 1, 2013, the Walk-Only Zones were aimed at enhancing pedestrian safety by easing vehicle congestion in heavily traveled areas. During enforcement times (8 a.m.-4 p.m., Monday-Friday), no one may ride, drive or park wheeled vehicles in these areas.

ASU students, faculty and staff who do not follow guidelines during zone enforcement times are now subject to a three-tiered enforcement process:

• First violation: A Campus Mall Enforcement staff member issues individuals who are not observing Walk-Only Zones guidelines a written warning.

• Second violation: Students must attend an ASU Police Department Bicycle Safety class. Faculty and staff must attend an ASU Driving on the Mall class.

• Third violation: Individuals will receive a referral to the dean of students, dean or vice president.

Violation notices are posted to individual ASU transportation accounts. Visit parking.asu.edu and navigate to MyParking Online Services. ASU Parking and Transit Services do not oversee Zones enforcement.

It is important to note that the zones are not intended to limit or redirect use of mobility devices by individuals with disabilities.

Tempe campus infrastructure created to support Walk-Only Zones includes bicycle racks in a variety of types and locations, as well as: card-access storage facility, bicycle valet service, daytime-only golf cart parking areas and locked skateboard racks.

Additional details about zone enforcement, including the ASU Transportation Policy and Bicycle Safety class schedules, can be found at: walk.asu.edu/enforcement.html.

Submit Walk-Only Zones questions or comments via the feedback form on walk.asu.edu under the “Contact” tab.