Splitting PeopleSoft: How is that going to work?

Following the PeopleSoft upgrade Sept. 20–25, there will be two separate environments that house information for university business transactions. Student transactions and information will be accessible from one web page. A different web page will link to payroll functions and store human resource information.

Currently, ASU uses one database that combines both student and human resource data.

Much of the work employees do in PeopleSoft actually is started through My ASU, such as logging hours or making directory updates. While these functions are actually completed in PeopleSoft, they will continue to work as they did before the upgrade and there will not be a change to the interface.

For employees that work in both environments, they now will see two links in their My ASU “quick links” area that will take them to each of the two systems.

The PeopleSoft upgrade is necessary to ensure that the university continues to receive regulatory, legislative and tax-software updates for important student and human resources systems. This upgrade is the first major one to the PeopleSoft system since it was installed at ASU in 2006.

Additional resources

• What’s New sessions – The University Technology Office will host one-hour sessions through Sept. 7 on all four campuses that explain the outage, where to find online resources and what PeopleSoft 9 will look like. On Monday, Sept. 10, staff can view a virtual session from every campus. Please check the schedule of sessions on this web page: http://peoplesoft.asu.edu/information-sessions.

cfo.asu.edu/peoplesoft – Offers information about HR department functions, including payroll, benefits, PTR and time reporting plus a “Go Live” planning calendar

peoplesoft.asu.edu -- Provides outage information and includes a FAQ page, a link to the communication strategy, a list of applications unaffected by the outage, checklists to help you prepare for the outage and much more

If you have questions about the PeopleSoft upgrade, use the link in the Quick Links box on the peoplesoft.asu.edu page.

Paul Stoll, paul.stoll@asu.edu
University Technology Office