Saks speaks on forensic science in Toronto

ASU Regents' Professor Michael Saks was recently invited to speak at the 20th anniversary meeting of The Association in Defense of the Wrongly Convicted in Toronto, Nov. 23.
Saks will share the stage with Barry Scheck, co-founder of the U.S. National Innocence Project, to discuss “Forensic Science and Its Bipolar Relationship with Miscarriages of Justice: Depression and Exhilaration.”
Saks and Scheck will be answering questions posed by moderator Alan Gold, a Canadian attorney with Alan D. Gold Professional Corp.
Saks is an ASU Regents' Professor at the College of Law and Department of Psychology. His work has spanned a range of topics: decision heuristics and the trial process; jury decision-making; sentencing; the behavior of the litigation system; law relating to iatrogenic injury; scientific and other expert evidence in the law; children's competence to consent; organ and tissue transplantation law and policy; vaccine injury compensation; and broader issues of accuracy in legal decision-making.