Online me3 game lays out a pathway to college

ASU Preparatory Academy seniors Genessis Enriquez (left), 17, and Brooklynn Ingram, 17, look over the me3 college recommendations on an iPad at the online game's official launch Sept. 8 at SkySong Innovation Center in Scottsdale. Enriquez is interested in medical studies, technology or engineering, and Ingram is interested in pursuing a career in health, business, science or food — though she said the me3 game encouraged her to think outside her comfort zone.
Photo by: Charlie Leight/ASU News
For ASU President Michael Crow, broadening the pipeline of students who attend college is a personal issue. Reflecting on his years in high school, Crow lamented that he often lacked the guidance to help connect his experiences to a college education.
“I was a kid of unbelievable energy, who worked really hard and wanted to go to college,” Crow said. “I would’ve literally died to have a program like this, something to give me advice.”
On Sept. 8, Crow and Arizona State University officially launched the me3 application at the SkySong Innovation Center in Scottsdale. Through a simple online game, me3 pairs students with college majors and gives them insight on what academic path will get them there.
“Me3 is a game to help you find a pathway to college,” Crow said.
Beginning the conversation about college early in high school is important, especially for students who would be the first in their families to attend college but might not be aware of the admission requirements.
In the short me3 game, students choose from a pair of images, which helps the program understand their interests. Based on those interests, me3 recommends several career paths and the most applicable college major. It then suggests a list of high school courses a student should take and tracks their academic progress. By charting an academic pathway through high school, me3 ensures students complete all requirements to gain admission to college.
Brooklynn Ingram, a senior at ASU Preparatory Academy, got recommendations for careers in engineering and agricultural sciences after playing the me3 game. Although she hadn’t initially seen herself in either career, she enjoyed learning about both choices and praised the tool for encouraging her to think outside of her comfort zone.
“Once you get your career option, you start to envision yourself in that field,” said Ingram. “It’s fun to imagine yourself doing the job.”
For guidance counselors like Debbie McKintosh, who works in the Tolleson Union High School District, Ingram’s comments highlight how me3 can be a valuable classroom tool.
“Many students don’t know what questions to ask and what opportunities are available,” McKintosh said. “It’s not something that many of them get exposed to in their families, but me3 exposes students to these opportunities.
“Me3 changes to conversation to, ‘Yes, I can do this and I want to do this.’ I’m excited to see how me3 helps all students.”
The me3 game can be accessed at