Karin writes blog post for Huffington Post

Marcy Karin, clinical professor of law and director of the Work-Life Policy Unit of the Civil Justice Clinic, recently co-wrote a blog post on National Breastfeeding Month for The Huffington Post.
The post, “Breastfeeding In Non-traditional Occupations is Key to Improving Access to Higher-Paying, Skilled Careers,” explores what employers can do to support nursing employees and ensure that they are complying with new federal requirements.
The blog post was co-authored by Robin Runge, director of policy and advocacy for Wider Opportunities for Women.
“Women in non-traditional occupations often have not initiated or continued breastfeeding after returning to full-time work,” Karin and Runge write. “Scheduling inflexibility, lack of control over the availability and logistics of break time, insufficient privacy and sexual harassment are just some of the barriers nursing workers face with respect to expressing milk at work.”
They make suggestions such as adequate break time, a private feeding area with access to a bathroom and a refrigerator available for mild storage.
To read the full blog post, click here.
Karin teaches courses on workplace flexibility law and policy, employment law and policy, and legislation. She also supervises and instructs student attorneys working on behalf of clients in the Civil Justice Clinic.