Karin participates in Las Vegas law conference

Associate clinical professor Marcy Karin, director of the Work-Life Policy Unit and Civil Justice Clinic at Arizona State University's Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law, participated in the 7th Annual Labor & Employment Law Colloquium on Sept. 27 in Las Vegas.
Karin presented a work-in-progress, titled “Pleading Disability After the ADAAA,” as part of a panel discussing disability law after recent amendments to the Americans with Disabilities Act. Her remarks focused on the results of a study conducted in part by the College of Law’s Work-Life Law and Policy Clinic. The study reviewed three months of complaints filed in the 2nd, 5th and 9th Circuits that alleged employment based disability discrimination. After discussing the study, Karin offered tips on how to properly plead "disability," based on the observed challenges and missed opportunities from the reviewed complaints.
Karin teaches courses on workplace flexibility law and policy, employment law and policy and legislation. She also supervises and instructs student attorneys working on behalf of clients and the community in the Work-Life Law and Policy Clinic. Karin’s other research interests include legislative lawyering, civil justice for military families and women’s legal history.