Imagination focus of Institute for Humanites Research annual art exhibit

The Institute for Humanites Research invites the public to the opening reception of its annual art exhibit, this year themed Imaginatio(n)ow. The reception is set to take place from 2 to 4 p.m., Feb. 8. Refreshments will be provided.
The concepts of imagination and the imaginary are of particular interest to scholars in the humanities as the imagination can be a double-edged sword. Myth, metaphor and narrative can empower sound ethical decision-making; resuscitate our humanity when we falter; enliven forgiveness, love and hope in the human heart; and engender powerful visions that create better lives.
Yet, imagination may also condemn humanity to irrational delusions, apocalyptic visions, prophetic fascination with dark endings, and unethical imaginary motifs and practices.
The featured artwork addresses the immediacy of the imagination\imaginary; how the artist uses imagination not only as a source of inspiration, but also as a method for mentally and visually processing our constantly changing world; and how the human imagination allows us to transform reality or liberate the ways we think, feel and experience our lives.
RSVP for the Imaginatio(n)ow Art Exhibit Opening Reception or for more information, contact the IHR at 480-965-3000 or