Ignite @ ASU is way to share small solutions for big change

Ignite @ ASU

Great thinkers and doers unite at this semester’s “Ignite @ ASU: Small Solutions, Big Change” event. Open to students, faculty and community members, Ignite @ ASU is a collection of dynamic five-minute presentations about how small solutions can create positive social impact and how everyone in the community can take action.

“Ignite @ ASU is a great way to share ideas, connect with others, and be empowered to create change through a fun and dynamic presentation style,” said Regina Duran, student intern at the Office of University Initiatives. “The five-minute presentation style keeps you engaged throughout the whole evening, plus there is free food, prizes and music to create an electric and vibrant atmosphere.

“We want people to leave Ignite @ ASU more aware about issues, ideas and solutions that are going on in our local and global communities as well as feeling empowered to create change around them.”

The event is scheduled to take place at 6 p.m., Nov. 16, at ASU Polytechnic in the Aravaipa Auditorium. It is open to the public. For more information and to RSVP, visit http://community.asu.edu/igniteasu/.