Herberger Institute X-square competition narrows

Five teams of Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts students are competing in the third annual X-square juried competition to win a $20,000 commission to design and build a public installation on Neeb Plaza at the Arizona State University Tempe campus. 
This annual event is a transdisciplinary initiative of the Herberger Institute that aims to transform an otherwise unremarkable courtyard into a vital gathering place for students, faculty and visitors. The square resides between the Art Building and the Design South Building. Teams composed of students from the ASU School of Art, The Design School and at least one of the other four schools within the Herberger Institute compete against each other for the winning project that will be judged on the basis of creativity, sustainability, ability to activate community, constructability and the ability to embody the Herberger Institute mission to make knowledge embedded in design and the arts be a key component in understanding and solving major challenges through cross-disciplinary collaborations.
Members of the five teams will present their proposals to a panel of judges including Phoenix architect Will Bruder, president of Will Bruder and Partners; author Tania Katan, coordinator of the Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art; Valerie Vadala Homer, director of the City of Scottsdale's public art program and Paul Scott, partner of Caruso Turley Scott Inc., a structural engineering firm.
Team project proposals remain on display in The Design School Gallery, Design South building and ASU students, faculty and staff have an opportunity to cast their ballots for their favorite proposal until 5 p.m., April 3. The popular vote counts as one vote in the competition. The team winning the most votes from judges and the public will be announced at approximately 8 p.m. April 3 following the presentations and vote tally. The jurying process is open to the public but seating is limited so arrive early.
The project will be installed at the opening of the 2012 fall semester.

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