Furnish article published in Arizona law journal

Dale Furnish, ASU emeritus professor of law, recently wrote an update article on the credit market for the Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law.
The article, “Usury and the Efficiency of Market Control Mechanisms Revisited,” helps commemorate the Journal’s 30th anniversary by updating an article that appeared in the first issue.
Furnish revisited “Usury in English Law,” written by R.M. Goode, an article that analyzed usury, the practice of making unethical or immoral monetary loans.
According to an abstract, Furnish’s article provides some insights into the form and province of usury laws in future years.
Furnish enjoys an international reputation for his work in comparative law and international commercial and trade law, as well as U.S. commercial law. Bilingual in Spanish, he has been invited to teach and speak in every country in South and Central America.