Experts forecast economy at Economic Outlook Luncheon

How likely is economic recovery later this year? W. P. Carey School of Business experts will give facts and forecasts about the Arizona and U.S. economies at the annual Economic Outlook Luncheon sponsored by The Economic Club of Phoenix. Hundreds of Valley business leaders and others gather for this popular event each year, but because of the recession, the midyear forecasts and update are sure to draw an even more attentive crowd than usual. The budget director for the Arizona Governor's Office will also be on hand to talk about the state deficit.

The Economic Club of Phoenix was founded by a group of prominent business executives called the Dean’s Council of 100, in conjunction with the W. P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University. Its monthly luncheons and other activities offer Valley business leaders and others opportunities to network and engage.

The annual Economic Outlook Luncheon will be held on Wednesday, May 20 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Arizona Biltmore Resort and Spa in Phoenix. For more information about the event or to reserve seats, go to