Dutch group considers New American University as model

The New American University continues to attract global attention as a model for higher education. Seven senior-level administrators from Leiden University, the oldest university in The Netherlands, research-intensive with an international orientation, visited ASU on Aug. 19 and 20 to get a first-hand look at how the President Michael Crow’s vision has been translated into reality.

Their interests ranged from university organization and governance to sources of university funding. They focused on ASU’s strategic planning process and how the university fosters academic entrepreneurship, with special attention to the concept of social embeddedness and the role of research—both applied and more traditional—in ASU’s relationship with the greater Phoenix community.

Members of the group had individual meetings with representatives of the ASU Alumni Association, Global Institute of Sustainability, Applied Learning Technologies and the School of Global management and Leadership.  The group also met with President Crow and Vice President for Global Engagement Anthony “Bud” Rock and toured ASU facilities at SkySong.