ASU's heroes to be honored at name reading ceremony

ASU’s Symphonic Carillon, purchased by Associated Students in 1966, is a memorial to those in the ASU community who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country.
The names of those who gave their lives in service will be read at 11:30 a.m., Nov. 10, in front of Old Main.
The Reading of the Names has become an annual tradition since the carillon was brought out of storage and back into the life of the university.
Reading the names will be Jim Geiser, secretar and historian of the Veterans Chapter of the ASU Alumni Association.
Following the Reading of the Names, ASU carillonneurs William Swayze and Kevin Snow, and Arizona State Credit Union Student Carillonneur Jacob Hofeling will perform a concert of patriotic music.
For more information about the event, send an e-mail to For more information about the carillon, go to