ASU Wi-Fi upgrades to improve security

The “asu” wireless network (Wi-Fi) is being upgraded to add new security measures to ensure the safety and security of students, faculty and staff who use Wi-Fi on all Arizona State University campuses and locations. This enhancement will be implemented in the next few weeks.
How is it different?
The login screens have changed and security measures have been added to protect data and online activity. Once the new "asu" wireless network is activated, you will be required to login from your device(s). The process is the same and will require your ASURITE and applicable password.
Same 3-step process
The “asu” network has a new look, but still the same three-step process to gain access.
1. Connect to the wireless network and select "asu"
2. Once connected, your device will either open a web browser, or you will need to open one depending upon device – normally it should automatically go to the network login screen.
3. Type in your ASURITE ID and password at the new registration screen.
Other need-to-knows
• After registering once with “asu” you will be able to stay logged in continuosuly – just make sure you stay connected every 30 days or it will prompt you to reregister.
• The “asu” network is not rate limited and provides internet speeds between 8-300 megabits per second, per user, based on device capabilities.
Questions or concerns
If you have questions, feedback or require assistance to connect to the new "asu" network, sign-in to My ASU and select the "Service Center" tab to ask questions, report an issue and get help. If you need immediate assistance, call 1-855-278-5080.