ASU Study Abroad Office 'wanders west'

The ASU Study Abroad Office will spend each Thursday in January visiting a different ASU campus to let students know about the opportunities available to them.
With more than 330 programs in 65 countries to choose from, ASU students can earn credit toward their degree and gain valuable international experience at the sane time. West campus students are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity to attend an informational session or meet with an advisor on a walk-in basis.
West campus event details for Jan. 12:
• "Opportunities for Mathematics and Natural Sciences Majors" Informational Session, 12:30 p.m., UCB 265
• "Opportunities for Business Majors" Informational Session, 1 p.m., FAB N106B Lounge
• "Opportunities for Behavioral Sciences, Humanities, Arts and Cultural Studies Majors" Informational Session, 2 p.m., CLCC 158
• "Barrett Honors College Programs and Opportunities" Informational Session, 3 p.m., Barrett Suite
• "Study Abroad 101" Informational Session, 4 p.m., Fletcher Library Classroom
Walk-in Advising with a Study Abroad International Coordinator is available from 1 to 4 p.m. available in the Fletcher Library Classroom. For more information, contact the Study Abroad Office at or (480)-965-5965.