ASU Lodestar Center receives grant from Public Allies

hands holding seedling

The ASU Lodestar Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Innovation and Public Allies Arizona received a grant from Public Allies National Office in the amount of $531,050, which equates to 43 active Public Allies Arizona program participants this year.

Public Allies Arizona, now in its eighth year at Arizona State University, is an AmeriCorps national youth leadership organization that places dedicated, service-minded individuals in paid 10-month apprenticeships throughout local nonprofit partner organizations. Allies are diverse and passionate individuals interested in social change and making a positive impact in their community.

In addition to the federal grant received, an additional $523,772 in local funding is contributed through Public Allies Arizona Partner Organizations – bringing the total contribution to $1,054,822. As one of the largest Public Allies sites in the county, the impact on the local Phoenix metropolitan-area community through such capacity-building programs as Public Allies Arizona is profound.

“It is encouraging that our proven track record in recruiting, developing and deploying diverse leaders through our Public Allies Arizona program has resulted in this latest investment,” says Robert F. Ashcraft, executive director of the ASU Lodestar Center and professor of nonprofit studies in ASU’s School of Community Resources and Development, part of the College of Public Programs. “This is a strong validation that our university-based model of leadership development and social change can be a difference-maker for many of our nonprofit partners who do vital community development work," he adds.

“Our partnership with Public Allies Arizona is vital to our integrated community health care initiative, designed to build healthy communities. These passionate (Public) Allies help us to better serve those who are challenged with mental illness, addictions and complex chronic conditions,” says Tomás León, CEO for People Color Network. “By bringing diverse perspectives and new ideas, the Allies help us to improve the way PCN delivers health care, and how we address health disparities in diverse communities. Simply put, the allies are purpose-driven innovators and emerging leaders, and we are grateful for their contribution to our organization and community.”

Over $3.6 million in external grant dollars have been awarded to the ASU Lodestar Center in support of Public Allies Arizona since the program's launch in 2006. When accounting for in-kind support as well as the funds contributed by the nonprofits to have an ally placed within their agencies, the total value of the program and impact to the community is over $1 million this year, and more than $6.3 million over the past seven years.

For additional information regarding any of the ASU Lodestar Center’s programs, visit For questions, call 602.496.0500 or email