ASU law professor comments on NSA surveillance

Robert Clinton, Foundation Professor of Law, was recently quoted in an article about NSA surveillance and the effect it has on Americans.
The article, “What the NSA will tell you about you,” explores what information the National Surveillance Agency has gathered on the average citizen, and how much of it they are obligated to disclose to the public.
"Disclosing that would disclose that they are tracking certain kinds of things, which is a method of signals intelligence intercept, which itself is classified," said Clinton, in reference to a surveillance disclosure request made by a citizen.
"We have essentially become the police state we always criticized the former East Germany of being," he said.
To read the article, click here.
Clinton teaches and writes about federal Indian law, tribal law, Native American history, constitutional law, federal courts, cyberspace law, copyrights and civil procedure. He is an affiliated faculty member of the ASU American Indian Studies Program. He also is a Faculty Fellow in the Center for Law, Science & Innovation.