Article by Karin published by Washington College of Law

Professor Marcy Karin, director of the Work-Life Policy Unit in the Civil Justice Clinic at the College of Law, recently had an article on military law posted by the American University Washington College of Law on their Labor and Employment Law Forum.
The article, “The Military’s Workplace Flexibility Framework,” was co-authored by Karin and Katie Onachila, an attorney at Trustpointe International, in 2012 after the return of combat troops from Iraq.
Karin and Onachila define workplace flexibility as a tool the military may use to support its operations, improve the recruitment and retention of military personnel, and fulfill its obligation to support veterans and military families.
According to an abstract, the article provides an overview of the legal framework for workplace flexibility for the military community and articulates themes evolving from those laws.
To view the full article, click here.
Karin teaches courses on workplace flexibility law and policy, employment law and policy, and legislation. She also supervises and instructs student attorneys working on behalf of clients in the Civil Justice Clinic. Karin’s other research interests include legislative lawyering, civil justice for military families and women’s legal history.