Staff spotlight: Xena Baza

Xena Baza (right) with Michael Crow (left)

Xena Baza (right) posing with her award and Michael Crow (left).


Coordinator Senior of Community Placements Xena Baza is an insightful, collaborative go-getter, according to her supervisor, Danielle Zelaya, the Director of Community Placements.

Baza has worked for the College of Health Solutions for about two and a half years and, already, has been honored as the top recipient of SUN Awards for the Downtown Phoenix campus for 2024.

There was never a doubt in Zelaya’s mind that Baza would be a worthy recipient of this honor.

“Anyone who has had the pleasure to work with Xena would agree that she is the ‘secret sauce’ that keeps our College running!” Zelaya explained.

Over the course of her time at the College of Health Solutions, Baza’s favorite SUN Award was presented for an unconventional reason. At convocation, a faculty member’s son was separated from them and didn’t have a place to sit during the ceremony. Baza offered the seat next to her and they talked for a bit. Touched by her kindness, the faculty member sent her an award.

The award description read: "Xena is so helpful no matter the ask! Yes, she can help onboard a community partner and handle contracts, but she is also there to step up [and] just support faculty, students and even future students with out of the ordinary requests!"

“I love that one because it was just fun and out of the ordinary,” said Baza.

A giving attitude, creative insights and problem solving have taken Baza far in her career.

“Xena is the type of person who you want to brainstorm and ideate with, and she proactively comes up with possible solutions to any challenge. And through it all, she displays patience, kindness and the utmost professionalism,” said Zelaya.

“I have this letterboard. I used to change it all the time, but I left this one because I love it. It says, ‘Be a fountain, not a drain.’ I'm someone who I feel is very giving and it makes me happy to give what I can to others. So that just reminds me, be like a kind person and not an unkind person,” Baza explained.

All in all, Baza’s care for others shows in her involvement with both internal and external support services, from the Staff Success and Inclusive Excellence Councils to Island Liaison, a small non-profit that works to connect local Pacific Islanders to resources.

“I like having the opportunity to expand my role in the college and not just in my job. So, other things I'm passionate about like employee wellness and diversity and inclusion,” Baza expressed.

Throughout the workplace, Baza’s insights are held in high regard, especially by Zelaya.

“Xena is a jack of all trades when it comes to working with different stakeholders. She is respected by faculty, valued by students and relied upon by employers. Like many others, I seek out Xena’s perspective to help evolve the ways we support student success. Xena is a role model to many, and I am very grateful for the opportunity to work with and learn from her,” said Zelaya.