ASU, Latino Donor Collaborative launch research partnership

Exterior of the W. P. Carey School of Business building at Arizona State University.

Today, during a LinkedIn Live event, Arizona State University's W. P. Carey School of Business announced a new research partnership with the Latino Donor Collaborative, a nonprofit organization dedicated to reshaping the perception of Latinos.

As part of the partnership, the W. P. Carey School's L. William Seidman Research Institute will release the 2023 Latino GDP Report, a seminal series that underscores the profound impact and growing influence of Latinos across a broad spectrum of industry sectors, including business, finance, education, media and technology. 

The report, now in its sixth edition, will be the most comprehensive one ever produced, with deeper analysis, previously unreported details and new variables to report in the months and years to come. It will be released at the L’ATTITUDE Conference in Miami on Sept. 27.

During the LinkedIn Live event, ASU President Michael Crow joined Ana Valdez, CEO and president of the Latino Donor Collaborative, and Sol Trujillo, co-founder and chairman of the board of the collaborative, to discuss the impact and goals of the collaboration.

“The Latino community in the United States has become this unbelievably powerful, creative and hard-working economy in and of itself,” Crow said.

“One of the things we are excited about in the success of the design of the United States is, what would a country be like if all of the talents and all of the energies of all of the people that make up the population can be fully realized and fully activated? We can already see this in the Latino community and so we can imagine, how can that be accelerated even more and connected into other places of impact? Our work together here will help us move in that direction," Crow said.

ASU was named a Hispanic-Serving Institution by the U.S. Department of Education in the summer of 2022. The department defines a Hispanic-Serving Institution as an institution of higher education with an enrollment of Hispanic undergraduate full-time equivalent students that are at least 25% of the overall student body.

“Our collaboration with the (Latino Donor Collaborative) is another way we are demonstrating our commitment to the diverse communities we serve,” said Ohad Kadan, dean of the W. P. Carey School. “We are incredibly grateful to partner with the LDC on this important initiative that showcases the business and economic impacts of the growing Latino population across sectors.”

The Seidman Research Institute is the consultancy arm of the W. P. Carey School, currently offering a diverse range of business and economics consulting services to public and private sector clients throughout North America.

“The Seidman Institute is looking forward to releasing the newest Latino GDP Report next month,” said Dennis Hoffman, director of the institute and ASU’s Office of the University Economist. “Arizona State University is pleased to put its resources to work including new methods we are employing in the report and we look forward to being of service in this groundbreaking partnership.”

Jose Jurado, research economist at the Seidman Institute, is leading the work on the report.

“The LDC is a trusted information broker on the economic impact of U.S. Latinos across all industries and levels,” he said. “This report doesn’t sit on a shelf, but influences major economic decisions with impacts across the country.”

Institutions such as the Federal Reserve, the U.S. Congressional Joint Economic Committee, and myriad Fortune 500 corporations often cite the report to harness its data, project business trends and appeal to Latino demographics.

"In cementing this partnership with Arizona State University, we reinforce our commitment to shedding light on the foundational role of the Latino community within the economic fabric of our country," Valdez said. "Our united efforts will magnify the undeniable influence and significance of Latinos across the vast landscape of American enterprise."

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