'Reach for the Stars' fellowships awarded to eight graduate students

The Graduate College (GC) has awarded eight "Reach for the Stars" fellowships to outstanding new master's students who demonstrate academic excellence and are underrepresented in their field of study.

Fellowship support is provided by the Graduate College during the first year of study in the master's degree program. In the second year, the academic unit provides a TA or RA position or a financial equivalent award. A faculty member serves as mentor and the Fellow can participate in university initiatives that support research, professional development and interdisciplinary studies.

The new awardees participate in varied research with goals for their future. After achieving her master's degree in sustainability, Lourdes Sierra plans to become a business consultant to help corporations develop strategies for increasing their engagement in sustainability. Jose Zarate, pursuing a master's of fine arts (MFA) in dramatic writing, wants to write and produce a play that deals with Mexico-U.S. border issues and associated violence. A volunteer for Women Beyond Borders, he hopes to eventually become a television writer. Isaac Navajo is researching American Indian water rights as part of his master's in social justice and human rights at ASU's New College. His goal is law school to support rights of indigenous peoples.

"This was a very competitive selection process, and these represent the best of our new graduate students. They should be very proud of their accomplishments" says Andrew Webber, associate vice provost.

The new Reach for the Stars fellows are:

• Alonzo Corral, Social Justice and Human Rights, New College of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences
• Nicolas de la Fuente
, Social Justice and Human Rights, New College of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences
• Sammone Kidd
, Political Science, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
• Amasa Louis
, Social Justice and Human Rights, New College of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences
• Isaac Navajo
, Social Justice and Human Rights, New College of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences
• Lourdes Sierra
, School of Sustainability, Global Institute of Sustainability
• Timothy Stalker
, Political Science, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
• Jose Zarate
, Dramatic Writing, Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts