ASU business dean elected as a Strategic Management Society fellow

Dean Amy Hillman

Dean Amy Hillman.


Amy Hillman, dean and Charles J. Robel Dean’s Chair of Arizona State University's W. P. Carey School of Business, has been selected as a Strategic Management Society fellow. She will be officially inducted at the society's virtual 40th annual conference at the end of October.

The title honors a scholar’s theoretical and practical contributions to the strategic management field. To be inducted, a nominee must receive at least 60% in-favor votes from a membership committee of their peers.

Hillman’s research focuses on corporate political strategies, boards of directors and corporate strategy. She has published more than 30 peer-reviewed articles published in leading journals such as Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Organization Science, and Administrative Science Quarterly. She was elected a fellow of the Academy of Management in 2014 and is a founding fellow of the International Corporate Governance Society. She is former editor of Academy of Management Review and a former associate editor of Academy of Management Journal. She received the Academy of Management’s “Outstanding Educator Award” in 2018 and will serve as vice-chair elect in 2020 and ultimately president of the Academy of Management in 2022.

“It is an honor to be selected as an SMS fellow among so many of my brilliant peers,” Hillman said. “I look forward to the continued opportunity to share my research and the great work we do at the W. P. Carey School of Business with strategy scholars across the country and world.”

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