Unstoppable: Anthony Robles discusses resiliency, how to overcome obstacles

Anthony Robles

NCAA wrestling champion and ASU alum Anthony Robles joined the ASU Alumni Association and Sun Devil Athletics for a live webinar on April 30.


On April 30, the Arizona State University Alumni Association and Sun Devil Athletics hosted a live webinar featuring NCAA wrestling champion and ASU alumnus Anthony Robles. 

The webinar was attended by more than 400 viewers live and was co-moderated by ASU wrestling head coach Zeke Jones and Madison Kerley, FOX Sports Southwest social media specialist and member of ASU’s 2017 NCAA Championship women’s golf team.

Robles, who was born with only one leg, is also an ESPN sports commentator, holder of a mark recognized by Guinness World Records, author of "Unstoppable" and motivational speaker. He spoke about resilience during difficult times and how he endures challenges with a positive outlook. 

So, what are his tips on how to develop resilience? First, Robles began by defining resilienceThe definition is cited from extramadness.com as “the ability to become strong, healthy or successful again after something bad happens.”

Tip 1: Dominate your brain with positive thinking. This started for Robles at an early age when he was 14, underweight in wrestling, working with coaches who had never coached someone with one leg before and learning how to wrestle for the first time. Many people would have given up, but he had a support system that taught him to shift his mindset and, as he calls it, focus on his 2 to 1 ratio. For every negative thought that enters your brain, you must replace it with two positive thoughts to begin changing your mindset.

Tip 2: Check your focus. There will always be things in life that you cannot control, so focus on what you can control, and remember your strengths.

Tip 3: Mind your health. This is important every day, but it is even more important now as many people are quarantined at home. By taking care of your body, you are also taking care of your mental health. This means focusing on eating better and exercising on a daily basis.

Tip 4: Get comfortable being uncomfortable. One of his favorite quotes is, “There’s no growth in a comfort zone and there’s no comfort in a growth zone.” Robles suggests writing down your goals and posting them in a spot where you will see them every day. By doing this, you will be reminded and hold yourself accountable to take action toward achieving your goals.

The webinar included live questions from viewers on an array of topics, from his go-to comfort food during quarantine to the next goals on which he is working. The insights shared by these three ASU NCAA champions — Robles, Jones and Kerley — made the webinar feel like listening to a group of friends connecting rather than an official interview.

Robles’s tips for resilience are a breath of fresh air during this challenging time, but also a good reminder for daily life moving forward in order to pursue your goals. 

View the webinar