Classics professor's book on short list for major award

Matt Simonton, Assistant Professor of Greek History

Matt Simonton.

Matt Simonton, assistant professor for Greek history at Arizona State University's New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, released his first book, "Classic Greek Oligarchy: A Political History" in 2017, and it's already making waves.

Simonton's book has been placed on the short list for the Runciman Award, which annually recognizes works characterized by good and accessible writing that promote wider knowledge and understanding of ancient Greece’s contribution to civilization.

Awarded by the Anglo-Hellenic League, "Classic Greek Oligarchy" is one of seven books to make the short list, from an original field of 47.

“This year's short list is a good reflection of the range and quality of books submitted," said John Penney, chairman of the judges panel. "The judges have read many scholarly works, often on refreshingly unusual topics, together with books that succeed in bringing the Greek world to a wider audience, and also novels and books of verse that demonstrate the abiding and lively power of Greek literature to inspire. Choosing a winner from this excellent short list is going to be quite a challenge.”

The winner of the £9,000 award will be announced at a ceremony at the Hellenic Centre in London, June 14, 2018.