ASU Insight: Can Democracy Survive? Only If Investigative Journalism Does

Walter V. Robinson, Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication, Boston Globe

Reynolds visiting Professor Walter V. Robinson, editor at large at the Boston globe.


"Must See Mondays"
Monday, February 27, 2017

Reynolds Visiting Professor Walter V. Robinson, editor at large at The Boston Globe who led the award-winning “Spotlight” investigation, explores the past, present and future of investigative journalism.

During 34 years at the Globe, Robinson spent seven years at the helm of the Spotlight Team, which won the 2003 Pulitzer Prize for Public Service for its comprehensive investigation into sexual abuse by Catholic priests. The investigation, which exposed a decades-long cover-up that shielded the crimes of nearly 250 priests, was made into the film “Spotlight,” which won 2015 Academy Awards for Best Picture and Best Original Screenplay.

This talk was part of the Paul J. Schatt Memorial Lecture, an annual event held at the Cronkite School in honor of the longtime Arizona Republic editor who taught journalism at ASU for more than 30 years.