System of Detachment examines the rapid consumption

From System of Detachment, a full-gallery exhibition by MFA sculpture candidate Chloe Boleyn Palmer
Photo courtesy of Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts.
Chloe Boleyn Palmer, MFA thesis candidate in Sculpture
Systems of Detachment composes videos, drawings and performance into a full-gallery installation that questions humanity in an age of rapid consumption. Wires and ropes drape from the ceiling and osculating fan heads twirl fly tape over precarious materials. The space provokes contradicting memories of lively markets and third world hospitals. It juxtaposes materials, such as cloth encased in sugar, and lard covered flies cradled in translucent hide, with brightly painted makeshift tables and colorful consumer packaging.
This exhibition asks two questions written on the wall upon entering the gallery:
1) Are you brave enough to define your neighborhood as the slums, factories, farms and mines of the world?
2)Can you assume responsibility for the poor of the world who are byproduct of the system in which we live, the system of which so many of us benefit?
The artist has used the space as a three-dimensional sketchbook that allows viewers to ruminate on the sense-derived information that chaotic lives will not allow one to digest on a day-to-day basis.
The artist hopes visitors to the exhibition use the space to reflect on their individual humanity in an age of rapid consumption.
During regular gallery hours, performers rotate through the space like shift work, consuming symbols of culture and product, while others irrationally clean up after the on slop of consumption.
Harry Wood Gallery
ASU Herberger College School of Art Building, room 120
ASU Tempe Campus
March 31 - April 4, 2008
Artist receception: March 31, 7-9 p.m.
Steamed buns and tea are served from a human-powered cart.
Gallery hours: Monday - Thursday 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Friday 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Public Contact
Chloe Palmer
The School of Art is a division of the Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts at Arizona State University. Its printmaking, photography and art education programs are nationally ranked in the top 10, and its Master of Fine Arts program is ranked eighth among public institutions by U.S.News & World Report. The school includes four student galleries for solo and group shows by graduate and undergraduate art and photography students: Gallery 100, Harry Wood, Northlight and Step. To learn more about the School of Art, visit
Media Contact:
Lise Hawkos
Director, Harry Wood Gallery
ASU Herberger College
School of Art