PROtoDUCTION presents new, interdisciplinary work

Photo courtesy of Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts.
Under the direction of Dan Collins, art professor and PRISM Lab co-director; and MFA candidate, Arius Elvikis, the 3-D Visualization and Prototyping class in the ASU Herberger College School of Art
Presents its annual exhibition, this year titled PROtoDUCTION.
The PRISM (Partnership for Research in Spatial Modeling) Lab is ASU’s premiere facility for pursuing interdisciplinary research in 3-D data-capture, modeling, visualization, archiving and rapid prototyping, and is the focal point for interdisciplinary research in modeling and visualization.
The annual exhibition offers a unique opportunity to see a range of works focusing on 3-D visualization and prototyping techniques, including animation; digital photography; Web art; and rapid prototyping, a digital 3-D printing technology.
PROtoDUCTION features works by 24 students, including pieces in architecture, digital art, graphic design, industrial design, intermedia, photography and sculpture.
The 3-D Visualization and Prototyping class has been offered at the ASU Herberger College School of Art since 1998. For more information on the “Vizproto” course, visit
PRISM Lab at the Brickyard, room 360
Southeast corner of 7th Street and Mill Avenue Downtown Tempe
Exhibition: April 29 – May 9, 2008
Public reception: April 29,3 - 6 p.m.
Hours: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., Monday - Friday
Public Contact
Dan Collins, professor
in the ASU Herberger College School of Art and co-director of ASU PRISM Lab
For more information, visit
The School of Art is a division of the Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts at Arizona State University. Its printmaking, photography and art education programs are nationally ranked in the top 10, and its Master of Fine Arts program is ranked eighth among public institutions by U.S.News & World Report. The school includes four student galleries for solo and group shows by graduate and undergraduate art and photography students: Gallery 100, Harry Wood, Northlight and Step. To learn more about the School of Art, visit
Media Contact:
Carol Cox
ASU Herberger College
School of Art
Office Specialist