Beverly Adams’ photos at ASU Art Museum

Photographs by Cuban-born artist Ana Mendieta will be on exhibit at the ASU Art Museum Sept. 21 - Oct. 23, in conjunction with the museum’s Photo Fall series of exhibitions. Mendieta’s “Silueta Series” is a series of self-portraits in which the artist literally inscribed her presence onto the landscape. Built in mud, rocks and earth; assembled with leaves, moss or flowers; etched in fire or ash; the inscriptions of the artist's form were documented in photographs and on film. The series is provided courtesy of the Diane and Bruce Halle collection.

A lecture entitled “Between Performance and Document: Ana Mendieta’s Silueta Series,” by Latin American specialist and curator of the Diane and Bruce Halle Collection of 20th-century Latin American art, Beverly Adams, is scheduled for 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 15 at the ASU Art Museum.

For more information, members of the public should call the ASU Art Museum at 480-965-2787. The museum is located at the SE corner of Mill Ave and 10th St, Tempe.